New Wallpaper Arrivals

Stay up to date with our new arrivals, featuring the latest wallpaper trends and the most-loved vintage classics that never go out of style. Find a print that suits you, from instant-impact murals to textured, illuminating wallpapers that light up an entire room. You can also find familiar wallpaper prints that are back in stock by popular demand in our new arrivals, ensuring no one misses out on their favourite wallpaper print.

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Stay up to date with our new arrivals, featuring the latest wallpaper trends and the most-loved vintage classics that never go out of style. Find a print that suits you, from instant-impact murals to textured, illuminating wallpapers that light up an entire room. You can also find familiar wallpaper prints that are back in stock by popular demand in our new arrivals, ensuring no one misses out on their favourite wallpaper print.

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Wallpaper designs for every room

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Elevate your room with big beautiful murals.

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Great savings on wallpaper and murals

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